2009年3月14日 星期六

Service Content

Yi-lun Chloe Tsai

About Yi-lun Chloe Tsai

  • Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) <> English translation
  • MA of Translation and Interpretation, Monterey Institute of Int'l Studies
  • Belmont, CA
  • Speciality: IT, marketing, computer hardware/software
  • CAT Tool: Trados, PASSOLO, Catalyst, Idiom WorldServer,
                             and Idiom WorldServer Workbench
  • Graphic Tools: SnagIt, and Paint Shop Pro
  • Other: poEdit, UltraEdit, Adobe Acrobat 8.0, and VMWare Station
  • Web: HTML

    Price Sheet (USD)
  • Into Chinese:
         New Word: $0.1/word
         100% and Repetition: $0.02/word
         95 - 99%: $0.03/word
         85 - 94%: $0.05/word
         Minimum Charge: $30/hr
  • DTP: $25/hr

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